Zimagi Data Visualization

Discover how you can easily build and customize a dashboard, add widgets, and connect your raw data from local or remote endpoints.

Data Visualization Features

No-code solution for building dashboards

Build your page in minutes with the help of presets content building blocks.

Drag-and-drop your ideas

Use the drag-and-drop editor to organize your content as you see fit.

Use ready-made sections

Build your page in minutes with the help of section templates that will make your life easier.

Deployment environments

Safely work in a pre-production environment before deploying to production.

Make beautiful data visualizations

Turn raw data into something that’s both visual and easy to understand.

Easily connect to any data source

With a simple editing interface that makes connecting your data a breeze.

Take your raw data to visualizations in minutes.

Create bar charts, pie charts, radar charts, interactive maps, and other visualizations of your data with just a few clicks.

Expert support for every skill level

The simplicity of a drag-and-drop builder means that anyone can build a custom website without any experience at all but if you need our experts to give you a hand feel free to contact us.